Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Immigration to UK

The UK introduced a new points based immigration system that will help highly skilled professionals from India and other non European Union countries who wish to live in Britain. Under the new system applicants will need a required number of points based on the balance between skills of the applicants and skills needed in the UK.

The new system will replace over 80 varying routes of entry into the country with a five tier structure.
  • Tier One, effective starting 2008, will be for highly skilled migrants including scientists, doctors and entrepreneurs, who will not need to show an employment offer.
  • Tier Two will comprise of nurses, teachers and engineers who have job offers.
  • Tier Three covers low skilled workers who will require an employer to sponsor them.
  • Tier Four is for students who pay for tuition in the UK and will begin in 2009.
  • Tier Five will include working holiday makers and professional athletes and musicians.
  • Under the new scheme an applicant will need at least 75 points to be considered for a work visa. The points will be based upon qualifications, age and previous earnings.

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