Monday, December 3, 2007

Auto Rickshaw Court in Kerala

Payyannur a small town in North Malabar has set up a unique Court to enforce discipline, friendly customer service amongst auto rickshaw drivers. The court is the only one of its kind in the entire country. The court deals with any complaints against Autorickshaw drivers( like charging excess fare, insisting on payment above the meter charges, rude behaviour etc). The court assemble on all Saturdays in their COURT and discuss the complaints and award punishment to erring autodrivers. The punishment varies from small fines to 3 days compulsory abstinence from duty- for driver and also for the autorickshaw. The court is chaired by representatives of trade unions (irrespective of the colour of the flag or their affiliation). The aggrieved party can go to Payyannur autorickshaw stand and prefer a complaint. The court takes up the issue in its next sitting and award suitable punishment. Similarly, if a customer misbehaves with the autorickshaw driver the same group will follow it up and if amicable settlement is not arrived at, the issue will be followed up with the intervention of the police. It is learnt that people believe to prefer their complaints to AUTO COURT than to others. The number of complaints are reported to be coming down.
This is how a civilised society will deal with an issue. Hats off to the autodrivers of Payyannur. Contributed by Suresh Kumar K.

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