Thursday, November 1, 2007

Fun - The intelligent and the super-intelligent

Headline of a village newspaper read 'only one survivor among hundreds in a freak train accident'.
Reading this, one journalist reached this village known as 'the village of fools' and approached the lone survivor for an interview.
Journalist: How did so many people die?
Survivor: There was an announcement on the speaker that train no.1249 will come on platform no.1 shortly". On hearing that the train is coming on the platform(instead of Tracks), everyone fearing for their lives jumped on the track to save themselves and died.
Journalist: then I must say you showed exceptional intelligence by not jumping on the track.
Survivor: what intelligence? I wanted to commit suicide and was lying on the track waiting for the train to come, but when I heard that the train was coming on the platform, got up and jumped onto the platform

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